Eden Energy Medicine was developed by Donna Eden, the leading authority on energy medicine.

Veritable vs. Putative energy fields... do you know the difference?

Deepak Chopra suggests how subtle change can make a powerful difference...

What is Eden Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine puts your health in your hands!  Energy Medicine is a way to help heal the body by activating its own healing force and balancing the body, mind and spirit. 

Eden Energy Medicine...

~  A method of working directly with the body's energy systems to help create health and wellness.

~  In Energy Medicine, energy is the medicine and the patient.  Energy interventions are used to help balance energies.

~  Teaches specific techniques that can be used to activate the body's natural healing abilities.  This can help to restore vital energies that have become weak, disturbed or out of balance.

~  Is both a complement to more traditional medical modalities and a complete self-contained system for self-help and self-care.

Energy techniques will help to:    
  • Boost energy levels
  • Balance and protect your body and organs
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Bring more vitality, joy and spirit back into life
  • Relieve stress
  • Boost your confidence
  • Make clear & concise decisions
See my YELP reviews
Yvonne Czarniak with Donna Eden