Energy Skills Workbook for
the Highly Sensitive/Empath Teens
Up to now, learning how to live as a highly sensitive
person (HSP) or empath can be so challenging.
Isn't time we made it FUN?
Introducing the first interactive, multi-media, FUN workbook for
highly sensitive/empath teens. This hands-on workbook not only
helps develop awareness and adaptability, resulting in increased
self confidence and mental/physical wellness, but it does so in a colorful, entertaining way.
The Fun, Engaging elements include:
* Colorful graphics and illustrations throughout
* 20 how-to videos of energy exercises
* 20 educational videos & audio files
* 60 discussion/self-study questions
* 20 self-study/continued learning prompts
* 5 self-awareness quizzes

The "Serious Stuff" in the workbook includes:
* 11 entries from the "Diary" novel
* 100 pages of relevant content
* Over 100 references

* info about HSP trait and its peculiar challenges
* Complete glossary

* evidence based educational & psychological research

* methods to strengthen the mind/body connection

* basic principals of energy medicine and demos

* designed with components for all learning styles
Teens, working with this workbook will give you a wide range tools and techniques to play with to help you calm the stresses and strengthen your awareness of this trait.
Parents of HSP/empath teens will find that this material opens the doors of understanding and bridges communication gap with your child.
Counselors & Coaches, this workbook is a valuable tool to use in conjunction with your guidance for self-awareness, self-development and self-care.
Schools have the flexibility of using the workbook in an after-school club setting or as a guide for one-on-one & small group counseling.

Yvonne Czarniak is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and a Tai Chi Instructor in Chicago, Illinois. She shares the beautiful art of Tai Chi and Energy Medicine by teaching energy tools and techniques in classes and working with individual clients to help them step into their power and stand strong.
Jeannette Folan is an Integrative Health Coach, author, and creator of educational programs for highly sensitive/empath teens and children. When she's not engaged in a work project, she's writing music, sewing or hanging out with her spiritual friends, husband and beloved dog in Halifax, NS.